Important Horticulture Journals in India
The objective of this site is to provide
Important Horticulture Journals of India. The site is under construction and we will try to update it  
shortly with the latest information
Name of the Journal
Current contents
Indian Journal of Horticulture Dr K L Chadha
Natrional Professor (ICAR)
Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology 
Journal of Applied Horticulture  Dr R.P. Srivastava 
Chief Editor, 
A-859, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016
Vol 2(1),2000
The Orissa Journal of Horticulture Dr R.C.Das, 
Editor, The Orissa Horticultural Society,
56, Suryanagar, Bhubaneswar-751003.
Progressive Horticulture Dr S.D Lal, 
Director, Horticulture & Food Processing U.P.(Hills), 
Chaubattia, (Ranikhet). 263651.
The Punjab Horticultural Journal  Professor and Head, 
Department of Horticulture, PAU, Ludhiana